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Discerning God’s Will

Deep inside every man is a desire to do something important with his life, to be a hero, and to change the world. The Father has put this desire in your heart and He wants to fulfill that call in you.

A vocation is all about love. It is a life of love in a concrete, particular form that comes from God. Each vocation begins with His love for us. In that love for you He is calling you to a particular form of life. This love involves first His total gift of Himself to you, and then in response your total gift of self to Him.

Listen to His voice in prayer. He is speaking in the depths of your heart right now. He is calling you to do something important with your life. He is calling you to give your life to Him. He is calling you to fulfill your call, your vocation.

Jesus Christ is calling you to holiness and wants to help you get there.

Meet Our Seminarians

The seminarians below are currently preparing for priestly ministry in the Diocese of Eldoret. Diocesan priests commit their lives to serving the people of God in a particular Diocese and generally work in parishes, schools, hospitals, different chaplaincies or other ministries as assigned by the Bishop of the Diocese.

We encourage you to pray regularly for these men and that others will also discern their call to the priesthood.